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Tracing Boa's Virtual Machine

Please note: to run trace, boa needs to have the "trace" feature flag.

Once the AST has been generated, boa will compile it into bytecode, which is then executed by the VM. You can print the bytecode and the executed instructions with the command-line flag --trace.

Understanding Boa's Trace Output

Once you have boa installed or setup with the "trace" feature flag, try some simple ECMAScript/JS in a test file.

Let's walkthrough an example of how to trace from a cloned boa repo.

Add the below code into a "test.js" file in the project root.

let a = 1;
let b = 2;

Then run the below command-line:

cargo run -- --test.js --trace

Boa will now compile and run test.js, which will output the below trace to stdout:

----------------------Compiled Output: '<main>'-----------------------
Location Count Opcode Operands

000001 0000 PushOne
000006 0001 DefInitLet 0000: 'a'
000008 0002 PushInt8 2
000013 0003 DefInitLet 0001: 'b'


0000: a
0001: b


------------------------------------------ VM Start ------------------------------------------
Time Opcode Operands Top Of Stack

386μs PushOne 1
6μs DefInitLet 0000: 'a' <empty>
1μs PushInt8 2 2
2μs DefInitLet 0001: 'b' <empty>



The above output contains the following information:

  • The bytecode and properties of the function that will be executed
    • Compiled Output: The bytecode.
      • Location: Location of the instruction (instructions are not the same size).
      • Count: Instruction count.
      • Opcode: Opcode name.
      • Operands: The operands of the opcode.
    • Literals: The literals used by the bytecode (like strings).
    • Bindings: Binding names used by the bytecode.
    • Functions: Function names use by the bytecode.
  • The code being executed (marked by Vm Start or Call Frame).
    • Time: The amount of time that instruction took to execute.
    • Opcode: Opcode name.
    • Operands: The operands of the opcode.
    • Top Of Stack: The top element of the stack after execution of instruction.
  • Stack: The trace of the stack after execution ends.
  • The result of the execution (The top element of the stack, if the stack is empty then undefined is returned).

Comparing Trace Output

If you wanted another engine's bytecode output for the same JS, SpiderMonkey's bytecode output is the best to use. You can follow the setup here. You will need to build from source because the pre-built binarys don't include the debugging utilities which we need.

NOTE: The binary was renamed as js_shell due to js conflicting with NodeJS.

Once up and running you should be able to use js_shell -f tests/js/test.js. You will get no output to begin with, this is because you need to run dis() or dis([func]) in the code. Once you've done that you should get some output like so:

loc     op
----- --
00000: GlobalOrEvalDeclInstantiation 0 #
00005: One # 1
00006: InitGLexical "a" # 1
00011: Pop #
00012: Int8 2 # 2
00014: InitGLexical "b" # 2
00019: Pop #
00020: GetGName "dis" # dis